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Centum API File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
bytecodes.cppThe function contains the bytecodes namespace
CDefaultMemoryManager.cppThis file contains the implementation of the CDefaultMemoryManager class
CDllManager.cppThis file contains the implementation of the CDllList and CDllManager classes
CentumSharedCode.cppThis file contains the entry point for the dll, which also loads the root path to the Centum directory
CentumSharedCode.h [code]This file contains the definitions needed to link and use CentumSharedCode.lib
CMemoryTracker.cppThis file contains the implementation of the CMemoryTracker class
CProcessData.cppImplementation of the CProcessData class
CScope.cppContains the implementation of the CScope class, as well as functions relating to scopes
CStringManager.cppThis file contains the implementation of the CStringManager class
CThing.cppThis file contains member functions of CDefinition, CScope, and CThing
CThingArray.cppThis file contains the implentation of the CThingArray class
CThingStack.cppThis file contains the implementation of the CThingStack class as well as some functions for the manipluation of StackObj structs
FunctionCalls.cppThis file contains the implementation of the FunctionCalls namespace
Int8Array.cppThis file contains the implementation of the Int8Array class
LongArray.cppThis file contains the implementation of the LongArray class
ObjectManagement.cppThis file provides functions that create and finish several of the classes
PointerArray.cppThis file contains the implementation of the PointerArray class
StackOperations.cppThis file contains a few extra functions for using CThingStack type objects
ThingManipulation.cppThis file contains the ThingManipulation namespace
ThingReferences.cppThis file contains the definitions for functions belonging to the ThingReferences namespace

Generated on Sat Apr 16 16:31:08 2005 for Centum API by  doxygen 1.4.2